
Impact of estimated HDL particle size via the ratio of HDL-C and apoprotein A-I on short-term prognosis of diabetic patients with stable coronary artery disease 被引量:4

Impact of estimated HDL particle size via the ratio of HDL-C and apoprotein A-I on short-term prognosis of diabetic patients with stable coronary artery disease
摘要 BackgroundRevascularization 和 statin 治疗习惯性地在稳定的冠的动脉疾病的管理被使用。然而,它是不清楚的是否估计的高密度的脂蛋白( HDL )粒子尺寸( eHDL-S ),到 apoprotein A-I 的 HDL 胆固醇(高级数据链路控制)的比率( apoA --我),与 .MethodsWe 执行了的稳定的冠的动脉疾病( CAD )与糖尿病的病人的临床的结果被联系冠的 angiography 与稳定的 CAD 诊断的 328 个病人的未来的队研究。病人们被跟随在上面为 12 个月的吝啬的持续时间。病人被 eHDL-S 的 tertiles 划分成三个组:低 eHDL-S (<0.71, n = 118 ) ;中间的 eHDL-S (0.71-0.79, n = 111 ) ;并且高 eHDL-S (>0.79, n = 99 ) 。在基线 eHDL-S 和短期的结果之间的协会用 Kaplan-Meier 方法和考克斯被评估低 eHDL-S 组更高有的比例的 regression.ResultsThe triglyceride,血红素 A1c,尿酸,和白血球比另外的组数。在后续时期期间, 47/328 病人经历了预先指定的结果。根据 Kaplan-Meier 分析,预先指定的结果的发生在高 eHDL-S 组是更低的(P = 0.04 ) 。然而, eHDL-S 独立地没在考克斯与不利结果被联系比例的危险回归(危险比率(HR ) :0.23, 95% 信心间隔(95% CI ) :0.01-11.24, P = 0.493 ).ConclusionAlthough eHDL-S 与煽动性的 biomarkers 被联系,它独立地没在 revascularization 和有势力 statin 治疗的时代与稳定的 CAD 与糖尿病的病人的短期的预后被联系。 BackgroundRevascularization and statin therapy are routinely used in the management of stable coronary artery disease. However, it is unclear whether the estimated high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particle size (eHDL-S), the ratio of HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) to apoprotein A-I (apoA-I), is associated with the clinical outcomes of diabetic patients with stablecoronary artery disease (CAD).MethodsWe per-formed a prospective cohort study of 328 patients diagnosed with stable CAD by coronary angiography. Patients were followed up for a mean duration of 12 months. The patients were divided into three groups by the tertiles of eHDL-S: low eHDL-S (〈 0.71,n= 118); interme-diate eHDL-S (0.71-0.79,n= 111); and high eHDL-S (〉 0.79,n= 99). The associations between the baseline eHDL-S and short-term out-comes were evaluated using the Kaplan-Meier method and Cox proportional regression.Results The low eHDL-S group had higher trig-lyceride, hemoglobin A1c, uric acid, and leukocyte count than the other groups. During the follow-up period, 47/328 patients experienced a pre-specified outcome. According to the Kaplan-Meier analysis, the incidence of pre-specified outcomes was lower in the high eHDL-S group (P = 0.04). However, eHDL-S was not independently associated with adverse outcomes in Cox proportional hazards regression (haz-ard ratio (HR): 0.23, 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 0.01-11.24,P = 0.493).ConclusionAlthough the eHDL-S was associated with inflammatory biomarkers, it was not independently associated with the short-term prognosis of diabetic patients with stable CAD in the era of revascularization and potent statin therapy.
出处 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期245-252,共8页 老年心脏病学杂志(英文版)
关键词 冠状动脉疾病 HDL-C 载脂蛋白AI 糖尿病 稳定性 患者 颗粒大小 比例 High-density lipoprotein Apoprotein A-I Diabetes mellitus Coronary artery disease Outcome
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