The Environmental program of the Cernavoda NPP (nuclear power plant) is based on the analysis of environmental samples: airborne, TLDs (thermoluminescence dosimeters), water, deposition, soil, grass, sediment, fish, milk, meat, eggs, grains, fruits and vegetables, using determination of 3H and 14C, gross alpha/beta and gamma spectrometry measurement techniques. This Program is a legal constraint for nuclear utilities and it is approved and supervised by the regulatory body. Besides, the actual legal requirements, Cernavoda NPP participates in a CANDU (Canadian Deuterium Uranium) Owners Group Project (COG HS & E-304) in order to implement the new standard CAN-CSA 288.1-08 for derived emission limits using results of measurements for OBT (organically bound tritium) concentrations in plant and animal products. The method for determination of 3H and 14C in organic samples after separation through non-catalytic combustion by flame oxidation is performed in Sample Oxidizer 307 equipment. Average values for total tritium activity concentration in fish samples of 21 ± 2 Bq/kg fresh weight were determined. Results for 14C have an average value of 327 ± 26 Bq/kg-C in fish from Danube-River and 315 ± 25 Bq/kg-C in fish from lakes. The average values for 14C activity concentration in vegetables samples from Cernavoda and Seimeni areas are about 338 ± 27 Bq/kg-C.