

The Research on Solar Estimation Method in Qaidam Basin Based on Remote Sensing and GIS
摘要 为了科学了解太阳能资源,验证地面实测气象资料与卫星资料的相关性,通过利用遥感和GIS技术,对青海高原太阳能资源丰富区——柴达木盆地的太阳能资源进行反演,以回归统计法求取地面总辐射,用红外资料、可见光和红外数字卫星等资料,估算地面总辐射并与地面实测气象资料进行对比分析,并进行模型检验。结果表明:遥感资料反演和实测值变化很吻合,相关系数超过90%。利用静止气象卫星FY2C资料反演计算地表太阳总辐射,能填补气候学方法的不足,能提高定量研究辐射的空间精度。 In order to know the solar energy resources scientifically and the relationship between the ground measured meteorological data and satellite data, using remote sensing and GIS technology, the author analyzed the solar resource in Qaidam Basin which was the most abundant area in Qinghai. The study contrasted the satellite data with observations data which based on infrared and visible light, then checked the model. The results showed that the inversion of remote sensing data and the variation of measured value were consistent, the correlation coefficient surpassed 90%. To calculate the total radiation by using the geostationary meteorological satellite FY2C data, it not only solved the problem which the climate model could not do, but also improved the spatial accuracy of quantitative research on total radiation.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2014年第29期287-293,共7页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 青海省气象局气象科学技术研究项目"格尔木光伏电站太阳辐射估算及气象服务系统建设"(201237)
关键词 柴达木盆地 遥感 GIS 太阳能估算 Qaidam Basin remote sensing GIS solar estimation
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