从企业核心竞争力的基本概念入手 ,介绍了企业核心竞争力的主要内容。提出培育我国企业的核心竞争力 ,要积极打造人力资本 ,培养企业核心技术能力 ,形成有特色的管理模式 ,要追求卓越、勇于创新、注重诚信、培育品牌 ,要扬长避短、培育竞争优势 ,要培育先进的企业文化 ,同时 ,政府要在培育企业核心竞争力方面多做工作。
Starting from the basic definition of core competitiveness, this paper introduces the key contents of core competitiveness of enterprises. The paper proposes that it is very important to cultivate human resources, cultivate enterprises' core technological capabilities and forming a unique management model to form the entire core competitiveness of enterprises. Excellence, innovation, credibility, well-received product brand and advanced enterprise culture are also very important components of core competitiveness. The last but not the least, government should not neglect its duty in helping enterprises cultivating their core competitiveness
China Coal