面向对象的数字化地图制图数据模型可用于元数据和图形数据组织、空间数据转换、制图综合与数据质量控制。该模型描述了地理特征类或其它地理元素的几何和属性特征 ,同时也考虑了地图符号库的设计问题。运用关系数据库管理海量数据 ,结合面向对象的编程方法 ,设计出处理复杂空间数据及进行计算机地图制图的软件系统。通过分析空间关系模式和空间实体模式之间的关系 ,揭示了来自各种不同数据源的数据特征 。
This paper presents an object-oriented data model of digital cartographic object developed to serve as general base for meta data and cartographic data organization,spatial data transfer,cartographic generaliztion,and data quality control. The model handles the geometry and attribute of features stored in feature classes of other graphical elements.With the relation database,we can manage multitudinous data,and with Object Oriented Programming (OOP), we can create the gigantic and complex software system. We also actualize the map transfer of the different scale and the automatic generalization based on the transform rule database.The presented examples in this paper should mainly prove the high functionality of the object-oriented data model for digital cartographic object and the user-friendliness of the software system followed the model.
Coal Engineering