For any integer s ≥ 2, let μs be the least integer so that every integer l 〉 μs is the sum of exactly s integers which are pairwise relatively prime. In 1964, Sierpifiski asked for the determination of μs. Let Pi be the i-th prime and let μs = p2 +P3 + … +ps+1+ cs. Recently, the authors solved this problem. In particular, we have (1) cs = -2 if and only if s = 2; (2) the set of integers s with cs= 1100 has asymptotic density one; (3) cs ∈ A for all s ≥ 3, where A is an explicit set with A [2, 1100] and |A| = 125. In this paper, we prove that, (1) for every a ∈ A, there exists an index s with cs = there are infinitely many s with es = a. We also point out can be applied to this problem. a; (2) under Dickson's conjecture, for every a∈ A, that recent progress on small gaps between primes
For any integer s≥ 2, let μsbe the least integer so that every integer l > μs is the sum of exactly s integers which are pairwise relatively prime. In 1964, Sierpi′nski asked for the determination of μs. Let pibe the i-th prime and let μs= p2 + p3 + + ps+1+ cs. Recently, the authors solved this problem. In particular,we have(1) cs=-2 if and only if s = 2;(2) the set of integers s with cs= 1100 has asymptotic density one;(3) cs∈ A for all s ≥ 3, where A is an explicit set with A ■[2, 1100] and |A| = 125. In this paper, we prove that,(1) for every a ∈ A, there exists an index s with cs= a;(2) under Dickson's conjecture, for every a ∈ A,there are infinitely many s with cs= a. We also point out that recent progress on small gaps between primes can be applied to this problem.
supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11371195 and 11201237)