目的探讨血清谷氨酰转肽酶(gamma-glutamyl transferase,γ-GT)活性在慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)及早期肝硬化患者不同程度肝脏病理损害中的变化规律及临床意义。方法测定105例CHB和LC患者血清ALT、AST、γ-GT水平,同时行肝活组织检查,对肝脏进行炎症分级(G)和纤维分期(S)。分析ALT、AST、γ-GT与G和S之间的关系。结果γ-GT异常数随着肝脏炎症级别和肝脏纤维化级别的上升而明显,分别P<0.05(卡方值4.477a)和P<0.01(Fisher值17.282)。结论血清γ-GT能准确地反映出肝脏炎症和纤维化的程度,γ-GT的活性为临床判断慢乙肝的炎症和纤维化程度提供了重要的依据。
Objective To preliminarily discuss the change rules and clinical significance of serum γ-GT level in varying degrees of liver pathological damage among in-patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB)and early liver cirrhosis. Methods Serum ALT,AST and γ-GT levels were detected in 80 in-patients with CHB and early liver cirrhosis, respectively.Meanwhile, liver inflammatory grading and staging of fibrosis were investigated by hepatic biopsy. Relationship between serum ALT,AST,γ-GT levels and liver inflammatory grading (G),fiber staging (S)was analyzed. Results Serum γ-GT level was increased with the degree of liver inflammatory grading (G)and fibrosis staging (S),and a significantly positive linear correlation was observed (χ2 =4.477a,Fisher=17.282,P&lt;0.05 ).Conclusions Serum γ-GT level can more accurately reflect the degree of liver inflammation and fibrosis than those of serum ALT and AST levels. Serum γ-GT level is more closely related with liver fibrosis degree.γ-GT activity provides an important basis to clinically judge the inflammation and fibrosis in CHB patients.
Chinese Hepatology
Chronic Hepatitis B
Early Liver Cirrhosis
Gamma-glutamyl transferase
Hepatic pathology