

Application of dog-assisted therapy in the pain management
摘要 动物辅助疗法是通过训练的温顺的助疗犬为患者提供治疗的一项综合治疗手段。助疗犬可减轻患者疼痛及相关症状,为患者出现的各种疼痛症状及其相关并发症提供了一种新的、有用的辅助治疗方法。 Animal-assisted therapy using trained and docile dogs, as one method of compre- hensive medicine to pain diseases, may provide complementary therapy for the patients with pain. Dog-assisted therapy can reduce the patient's pain and related symptoms, and offer a novel and use- ful complementary therapy for patients with pain complaints.
作者 史学莲
出处 《实用疼痛学杂志》 2014年第3期227-230,共4页 Pain Clinic Journal
关键词 动物辅助疗法 犬科 疼痛 治疗应用 Animal assisted therapy Canidae Pain Therapeutic uses
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