目的探讨滤泡性甲状腺腺瘤的CT表现。方法回顾性分析经手术病理证实的12例滤泡性甲状腺腺瘤的术前CT表现。结果 12例滤泡性甲状腺腺瘤中,男3例,女9例。病灶单发11例,多发1例。病灶均呈圆形或类圆形。CT平扫呈均匀低密度,边缘光滑,境界清楚,肿瘤内钙化2例,增强CT扫描呈明显或者轻度强化。结论滤泡性甲状腺腺瘤CT表现多较典型,圆或类圆形,均匀低密度,境界清楚,边缘光滑,多数能够确定诊断。
Objective To investigate the CT manifestations of follicular thyroid adenomn. Methods CT manifestations of follicular thyroid adenoma proved by operation and pathology in 12 cases were analyzed retrospectively. Results Of 12 cases, 3cases were male and 9 cases were female. There were single focus in 11 and multiple focus in 1. All lesions were round or round-like. The lesions were homogeneous low density with smooth clear edges on plain CT scans. 2 eases showed calcification in tumor. All cases had higher or slight enhancement on contrast-enhanced CT scan. Conclusion CT manifestations of follicular thyroid adenoma were typical which displayed as round or round-like, with clear smooth edges and most of them can be correctly diagnosed.
Chinese Journal of CT and MRI