
基于性别与学科背景差异的研究生合作信息查寻与检索行为分析 被引量:4

Analysis of Collaborative Information Seeking and Retrieval Behavior of Graduate Based on Gender and Disciplines
摘要 基于问卷调查,分别从性别、学科背景两方面进行交叉分析、相关分析等,探究研究生合作信息查寻与检索行为的差异。研究发现男性研究生与女性研究生在信息查寻与检索基本情况、主动寻求开展合作信息查寻与检索的原因、合作查寻与检索信息类型与具体内容等方面有显著差异,自然科学背景研究生与社会科学背景研究生在信息查寻与检索基本情况、合作信息查寻与检索行为动机与成功率、合作查寻与检索信息类型与具体内容、阻碍合作信息查寻与检索行为因素的认识方面有显著差异。 Based on questionnaire, this paper explores the diversities on Collaborative Information Seek, ing and Retrieval Behavior of graduate students through cross analysis with gender and disciplines.Finally finds that male and female graduate students exert differently about fundamental state of information seek- ing and retrieval,reasons of actively engaging in Collaborative Information Seeking and Retrieval Behav- ior, and information types and content.Moreover, graduate students of Science and Social Science exert sig- nificant difference about fundamental state of information seeking and retrieval,motivation and success rate of Collaborative Information Seeking and Retrieval Behavior, information types and content, and the acknowledgment of obstructive factors.
出处 《情报科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第10期93-99,共7页 Information Science
关键词 合作信息查寻与检索 信息行为 性别 学科背景 在读研究生 collaborative information seeking and retrieval information behavior gender discipline graduate students
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