
认知无线电网络中动态频谱分配策略的收费方案 被引量:3

Pricing policy of dynamic spectrum allocation strategy in cognitive radio networks
摘要 针对认知无线电网络中的动态频谱分配策略,考虑次级网络的响应性能,令中断传输的次级用户数据包立即离开系统。通过构造个人收益函数,基于可观察排队情形,给出均衡状态下系统中次级用户数据包的数量阈值,并建立一个带有传输中断的有限容量排队模型。基于Poisson过程,建立转移率矩阵,导出次级用户数据包的平均响应时间,系统吞吐量和频谱切换率等性能指标。为了实现动态频谱分配的社会最优,面向次级用户提出频谱接入的收费方案,并给出该收费方案的数值结果。 Aiming at the dynamic spectrum allocation strategy in cognitive radio networks, in order to improve the response performanceof the secondary networks, the interrupted secondary user packets are supposed to leave the system. By establishing anindividual net benefit function, the equilibrium number of secondary user packets is obtained in view of an observable scenery,then a queueing model with a finite capacity and possible transmission interruption is built. With a Poisson process, the transitionratematrix is constructed, and the performancemeasures, such as the average response time, the systemthroughput and the spectrumswitching rate, are also obtained. Combining with the social benefit, the pricing mechanism of the secondary users is proposed.Experiment results show that the dynamic spectrum allocation strategy with the pricing mechanismcan be optimized socially.
出处 《燕山大学学报》 CAS 2014年第4期327-331,共5页 Journal of Yanshan University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61472342)
关键词 认知无线电网络 动态频谱分配 传输中断 均衡状态 收费方案 cognitive radio networks dynamic spectrumallocation transmission interruption equilibriumstate pricingmechanism
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