
一种新型光学微环谐振腔加速度传感器的研究 被引量:1

A novel accelerometer based on optical micoring resonator
摘要 提出了一种跑道型谐振腔与固支梁相结合的新型加速度传感器结构.采用FDTD法分析了环形微环谐振腔和跑道型微环谐振腔的光谱特性,得出具有高值的跑道型微环谐振器更适用于作传感器件,利用输出光谱在加速度作用下产生漂移的特性测得了系统的加速度值.仿真结果表明:加速度值在0~50 范围内,系统的灵敏度可达到47.7 pm/ ,并且固支梁的厚度是影响系统灵敏度的重要因素.该结构为制备高灵敏度、低成本的微型加速度传感器提供了理论基础. Anewaccelerometerwith racetrackmicroring resonator and fixed beamis put forward. In this paper, transmission spectrumsof ring resonator and racetrack resonator are analysed respectively by employing the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD)method. And it shows the racetrack resonator with high factor is fit for sensing. Besides, the measurement of acceleration canbe realized by detecting wavelength shift. The simulation result shows the sensitivity is up to 47.7pm/ at the acceleration range of0~50 .Meanwhile fixed beamthickness is a key factor which influents the sensitivity of acceleration sensor. Such structure providesa theoretical basis for manufacturing acceleration sensor with high sensitivity and low cost.
出处 《燕山大学学报》 CAS 2014年第4期361-364,共4页 Journal of Yanshan University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61172044 61107039) 河北省自然科学基金资助项目(F2012203204)
关键词 微环谐振器 加速度传感器 固支梁 波长漂移 灵敏度 microring resonator accelerometer fixed beam wavelength shift sensitivity
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