

The λ-medium Negation and Application Based on Improved Fuzzy Set IFScom
摘要 IFScom是一种区分矛盾否定关系、对立否定关系和中介否定关系的模糊集。针对模糊集IF-Scom在应用中的特点,对其中介否定算子作了进一步改进,使得中介否定集的λ-区间函数从[1-λ,1]扩充到[0,1],其分段比例函数的增减性更符合实际。在此基础上给出了λ-中介否定集在模糊入侵检测中的应用,仿真实验表明该中介否定集在模糊知识的"否定"区分、处理和推理上是有效的。 IFScom is a fuzzy set used to differentiate three negations: contradictory negation,opposite negation and medium negation. According to the characteristics of fuzzy set IFScom in the application, the midium negation operator was improved. The new interval function extending to [0, 1]from [1-λ,λ], and the proportion of the increase or decrease of piecewise function is more practical. Based on which, the medium negation set and it’s its application on fuzzy intrusion detection model is proposed. It is proved effective through the simulation experiments.
作者 吴晓刚 张妮
出处 《科技通报》 北大核心 2014年第11期158-161,共4页 Bulletin of Science and Technology
基金 贵州省教育厅项目(黔教高发<2012>426号) 兴义民族师范学院科研基金(12XYYZ01) 兴义民族师范学院重点项目(11xyzz01)
关键词 λ-中介否定 模糊入侵检测 fuzzy set IFscom λ -medium negation fuzzy intrusion detection
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