
枸橼酸钠在血液滤过中的效果观察 被引量:3

Effect observation of sodium citrate in hemofiltration
摘要 目的:观察局部运用低浓度枸橼酸抗凝在行血液滤过中的疗效及安全性。方法:多脏器功能衰竭伴高危出血患者,即行4%枸橼酸钠在体外抗凝。观察血滤器、管路动静脉壶、动脉压、静脉压及跨膜压等情况。结果:20例(76次)高危出血患者在行血液滤过中未出现原有出血症状加重现象,也未出现滤器或管路凝血而终止;未出现低钙高钠代谢性碱中毒等并发症,均达到预期效果。结论:局部枸橼酸钠抗凝行血液滤过技术是一种安全有效的、简单的技术,易于掌握,并且禁忌症少,值得推行。 Objective: To observe efficacy and safety of local use of low concentrations sodium citrate anticoagulation in hemo-filtration. Methods: MOF patients with high-risk bleeding were given 4% sodium citrate for extracorporeal anticoagulation in hemofil-tration. The hemofilter, pipeline artery and vein pots, artery pressure and vein pressure, and transmembrane pressure were observed.Results: 20 cases with high-risk bleeding had no aggravated bleeding during the hemofiltration, and the filter and pipeline did not stopdue to coagulation. No complications like low calcium high sodium metabolic alkalosis were found. Therefore, the treatment had the ex-pected effects. Conclusions: The technology of the local use of low concentrations sodium citrate anticoagulation in hemofiltration issafe and effective, easy to learn, and is worth being popularized.
出处 《中国民康医学》 2014年第23期23-24,26,共3页 Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health
关键词 高危出血 枸橼酸钠 局部抗凝 血液滤过 护理 High-risk bleeding Sodium citrate Regional anticoagulation Hemofiltration Nursing
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