多丽丝·莱辛(1919-2013)是英国的著名女作家,并且她被誉为继弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙之后一位最伟大的女性作家.莱辛小说的主题之一是探讨现代女性在社会中所面临的困境以及她们寻求自身解放的道路,而莱辛凭借着自身敏锐的观察力和洞察力深入细致地刻画出了笔下众多角色微妙敏感的心理状态.本文将以其短篇小说《屋顶丽人》(“A Woman on a Roof”,1963)作为文本并将目光投向其中的三个男性角色形象.通过分析这三个男性角色各自鲜明的人物形象,我们能以新的视角更加全面地认识父权社会中的女性地位、莱辛的写作特点,以及该短篇小说的主旨.
Doris Lessing (1919-2013) is a famous English female writer who is deemed as the greatest one after Virginia Woolf. Oneof her prominent writing themes is the discussion on the predicament that women have confronted in a society and their way to therelease of themselves. Moreover, relying on her own sharp and excellent observation and acumen, Lessing has vividly and meticulouslydescribed the characters' delicate and sensitive psychological states in depth. This thesis focuses on her short story “A Woman on aRoof” (1963) and it will shed light upon its three male characters. Therefore, we can obtain a fresh perspective of a better understandingof women's status in the patriarchal society, Lessing's writing characteristics as well as the theme of this short story through the analysisof those three men's perspective and distinct images.
The World Literature Criticism