Reform of electricity market is the world trend of electric power reform, is also an inevitable choice for China's electric power reform and development. Electricity price is the core of the modem electric power market mechanism, is directly related to the economic interests of the market participants is the most direct and the most sensitive factors, can rise to adjust the power supply and demand, guide the electricity consumption, optimizing the allocation of resources. Based on this, focuses on modem electricity prices in the power market of the hot issues: the modem reform of electricity market, power generation enter- prise tou price bidding, reactive power pricing, the wind power pricing, big users direct power purchase price, for each question has carded on the detailed analysis, do the corresponding com- ments and put forward personal opinions. Review shows that the electricity price reform is the core content of power system re- form, this article analysis the price of electricity problems are important problems in modem electric power market, to solve these problems effectively, is an important part of the modem electric power market reform.
Journal of Electric Power
power market
electricity price
the reform