Objective:To investigate the application of combined the clinical nursing path and cluster based care to acute severe organophosphorus pesticide poisoning. Method:Acute severe organophosphorus pesticide poisoning patients were divided into the experimental group (48 cases) and control group (48 cases), the experimental groups were used combined the clinical nursing path and cluster based care, while control group only used routine nursing. The time of cleaning the intestines, atropinization, cholinesterase activity recovery, length of stay, application breathing machine, and number of intermediate syndrome delayed polyneuropathy, the cases of ventilator associated pneumonia, death cases, the cost of hospitalization and the degree of satisfaction to patient, patients " families, nursing staff,doctor in two groups were be statisticsed. The data analysis were used ehi-square test,t-test and rank sum test. Result: The effectiveness of experimental group was significantly better than control group on the time of cholinesterase activity recovery,length of stay, time of ventilator using, number of intermediate syndrome cases, numher of ventilator-associated pneumonia, cost of hospitalization, degree of satisfaction to Patients" families, doctor, differences have statistical significance (P〈0. 05). Conclusion: It showes clear advantage that model of combined the clinical nursing path and cluster based care to therapy for acute severe organophosphorus pesticide poisoning. It is worth to generalization.
Journal of Clinical Emergency
clinical nursing path
cluster based care
organophosphorus pesticide poisoning
quality of Care
degree of satisfaction