
俄罗斯最新石油资源数据解析及生产前景分析 被引量:2

Latest Russian oil and gas resources data and production outlook
摘要 俄罗斯石油资源非常丰富,陆上和海域远景勘探面积约为1290万平方千米,石油总资源量为1114.72亿吨;累计石油产量为212.25亿吨,探明石油可采储量(ABC1级)为180.22亿吨,初步评价可采储量(C2级)为108.53亿吨,石油资源量(C3+D1+D2级)为613.71亿吨。俄罗斯石油、凝析油可采储量的分布具有高度的集中性,老油区石油探明可采储量的采出程度高。近年来,俄罗斯加大了采用新技术、新工艺的力度,探明石油可采储量的年增长保持在5.5亿吨以上的水平。预计到2020年俄罗斯新增探明石油可采储量55.97亿吨。俄罗斯的原油生产主要取决于新区和新开采领域的生产。随着西西伯利亚盆地常规石油储量的减少,俄罗斯已把增产目标转向难采储量和非常规石油的开发。 Russia has abundant oil resources, with a prospective land and sea exploration area of about 12.9 million km2. Total oil resources amount to 111.472 billion tons, cumulative production 21.225 billion tons, total ABC1 category recoverable oil reserves 18.022 billion tons, category C2 reserves a preliminary estimate of 10.853 billion tons, and category C3+D1+D2 oil resources 61.371 billion tons. Recoverable oil and condensate reserve distribution is highly concentrated, and there is a high degree of recovery from old oil area proven recoverable reserves. In recent years Russia has increasingly resorted to new technology and found new technology strength, while proven recoverable reserves have kept increasing annually by a level of at least 550 million tons. By 2020 Russia is expected to have 5.597 billion tons of new proven recoverable reserves of oil. Russian crude oil production depends mainly on new areas and from newly producing fi elds. With the reduction in oil field reserves in the West Siberian Basin, Russia has already turned to hard-to-recover reserves to increase production and will still need to rely on unconventional oil development. Russia is an important strategic energy partner of China's, with the Eastern Siberia–Pacifi c Ocean(ESPO) oil pipeline completed, and the oil resource potential and state of oil and gas exploration and development and of cooperation between China and Russia to introduce crude oil from Russia are of great signifi cance. Taking full advantage of the opportunity to develop a strategic partnership with Russia, including active involvement in upstream Russian oil & gas projects, helps diversify China's energy supply.
作者 王京 刘琨
出处 《国际石油经济》 2014年第10期53-62,111,共10页 International Petroleum Economics
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