目的 明确经髂后上棘植入髂骨螺钉的角度参数,对髂骨螺钉置入的可行性以及安全性进行全方位的探讨,为研制适合国人的髂骨钉提供参考数据.方法 采用18具防腐骨盆标本,对骨盆周围软组织仔细剔除.测量的数据有:①Sl椎弓根观测与测量.②采用该研究确立的进钉方法用骶骨钉治疗18例骨盆后环损伤患者,随访追踪其治疗效果.结果 (1)S1椎弓根测量结果:①椎弓根高(20.2±2.3)mm;②椎弓根宽(27.7±2.0)mm;③椎弓根中心至进针点距离(49.1±3.6)mm;④S1椎体对侧前皮质至进针点距离(86.5±3.8)mm;⑤坐骨大切迹上方(41.8±3.4)mm,髂后下迹前方(24.6±2.9)mm为其进针点;⑥垂直于髂骨翼后外侧面,向后侧倾斜(7.7±3.8)°,然后向尾端倾斜(7.1±2.3)°为其进针方向.(2)临床应用评价:18例标本中共放置19枚骶骨钉,术后X线拍片复查对比见骶骨钉位于骶1椎体和弓根内,位置良好,骨盆对位对线良好.结论 ①选长为75 mm骶髂关节螺钉固定经S1椎弓根水平为适宜;②骶髂关节螺钉固定经S1椎弓根水平的植入点位于髂后下棘前方25 mm,坐骨切迹上方40 mm;③垂直于髂骨翼后外侧面的植入方向,然后向尾端倾斜5°~10°,向后侧倾斜5 °~10°.
Objective To clarify the angle parameters of ilium after implantation screw nails way,and the feasibility of the ilium screw placement and security,in order to provide the reference of ilium nail.Methods Einhteen anticorrosion pelvic specimens were chosen,the soft tissue of peluic area carefully done.The measurement data were:①the S1 pedicle observation and measurement.②using sacral nailing with the nothod of this study for 18 pelvic ring posterior injury patients and follow-up its therapeutic effect.Results (1)the S1 pedicle measurement results:① The S1 pedicle height (20.2 ± 2.3) mm.②S1 pedicle width (27.7 ±2.0) mm.③S1 point to needle into the pedicle center distance (49.1 ±3.6) mm.④The needle point to S1 cortex of vertebral body before side range (86.5 ± 3.8) mm.⑤The needle point located at S1 under ahead after iliac mark(24.6 ±2.9) nun,above greater sciatic notch(41.8 ±3.4) mm.⑥Direction perpendicular to the needle for the lateral aspect of the ilium after wing,then end to tilt (7.1 ±2.3)°,back to tilt(7.7 ±3.8)°.(2)Clinical application evaluation:18 cases of sacral was placed for 19 sacral nail,and the X-ray films review showed sacral nail is normally located in S1 pedicle and vertebral body,and pelvic reset is also good.Conclusions ①The sl pedicle sacroiliac joint screws should choose long for 75 mm screws for appropriate.②The S1 pedicle level sacroiliac joint screws into the needle is located in the point of sciatic cut trace 40 mm above,after coming under the front was 25 mm.③The direction perpendicular to the needle for the lateral aspect of the ilium after wing,then end to tilt 5°-10°,back to tilt 5°-10°.
Chinese Journal of Practical Medicine
Sacral nails
Sacroiliac joint
After pelvic ring
Needle points
Applied anatomy