

Economic Rationality Evaluation of Remanufacturing Products
摘要 主要探讨再制造产品盈利能力的影响因素,开发一种方法用于评估各种再制造产品的经济合理性。从49例价格偏好的研究发现,在许多情况下,原始设备制造商(OEM)同时生产新产品和再制造产品将获得更大的整体利润。同时指出产品间和个人间的定价行为差异以及转换行为差异,基于合理假设,即在一定价格区间内,由新产品向再制造产品间的偏好转移是呈线性关系的,从而相对简化计算,便于分析在什么情况下OEM同时生产新产品和再制造产品是具有经济合理性的,将会导致什么样的相对价格、销售额和利润。 This paper mainly discusses the influence factors of remanufacturing product profitability,and develops a way to evaluate the economic rationality of remanufacturing products.A study of price preferences from 49 subjects finds that in many cases an original equipment manufacturer (OEM)will earn greater overall profits by offering both new and remanufac-tured versions of their product.Differences in pricing behavior are noted between both products and individuals.There also appears to be differences in switching behavior.It is,however,reasonable to treat the transfer in preference from new prod-uct to remanufactured product as linear over some price range.This assumption allows for a relatively simple calculation of under what circumstances are economically rational for an OEM to produce both new and remanufactured products and in such situations what the relative prices,sales,and profits should result in.
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第21期228-232,共5页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"全要素生产率下的环境敏感性和中国环境规制实施效果评估研究"(12CJL057) 吉林省科技厅软科学项目"吉林省民间投资与技术进步增长率跟踪研究"(20120614)
关键词 再制造 经济合理性 价格偏好 remanufacturing economic rationality price preferences
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