

Research progress on homocysteine and inflammatory bowel disease-related thrombotic disease
摘要 目的探讨同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)对炎症性肠病(IBD)患者的影响,为IBD相关性血栓疾病的深入研究提供参考。方法在PubMeb、Medline、EMbase、CNKI、CBM数据库中检索1993年1月—2013年12月关于Hcy与IBD相关性血栓疾病的研究成果,进行分析总结。结果IBD患者因反复炎症活动及高凝状态,增加了血栓形成的风险。高同型半胱氨酸血症(HHcy)在IBD相关性血栓疾病损伤机制中,主要通过氧化损伤血管内皮和体内抗凝系统失衡参与IBD相关性血栓形成的病理生理过程。HHcy是血栓形成的独立危险因素之一。结论IBD患者血栓形成是一个复杂的病理过程,受多因素影响。Hcy在IBD相关性血栓疾病损伤机制中具有重要作用,其确切机制有待进一步研究。 Objective To investigate the correlation between homocysteine (Hcy) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)-related thrombotic diseases, and to provide a reference with regard to further studies of IBD-related thrombotic disease. Methods The related literatures in the PubMeb, Medline, EMbase, CNKI and CBM databases were systematically reviewed from January 1993 to December 2013 in order to elucidate any potential association between Hcy and IBD-related thrombotic diseases. Results Patients with IBD have an increasing risk of thrombosis because of repeated inflammatory activity and the hypercoagulable state. Hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) is involved in the pathophysiological process of IBD-related thrombotic diseases. Oxidative damage to endothelium and imbalance in the body of anticoagulant system can be the major contributing factors to IBD-related thrombotic diseases. HHcy is an independent risk factor of thrombosis. Conclusions The present data indicate that Hcy plays a role in the complex pathogenesis in patients with IBD, affected by multiple factors. Similarly, Hcy plays an important role in IBD-related thrombotic diseases, which needs further study to clarify the definite mechanism of patients with IBD.
出处 《中华解剖与临床杂志》 2014年第5期434-436,共3页 Chinese Journal of Anatomy and Clinics
关键词 同型半胱氨酸 炎症性肠病 炎症性肠病相关性血栓疾病 Homocysteinemia Inflammatory bowel disease Inflammatory bowel disease-related thrombotic diseases
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