
二语学术写作中的引用特征及与写作质量的关系 被引量:11

Citation Features of L2 Academic Writing and Its Relationship to Writing Quality
摘要 本文以英语专业硕士论文为语料,探讨二语学术写作的引用特征及与写作质量的关系。研究发现:1写作高分组在引用密度、融入式引用和非融入式引用的使用频率方面均高于低分组,但只有动词支配融入式引用在两组间具显著性差异;2在引用功能方面,写作高分组多使用"关联比较",而低分组多使用"独立归属";3非融入式引用多实现"参考例证"、"采纳应用"和"综合归纳"三种引用功能,而融入式引用多实现"关联比较"功能;4动词支配融入式引用对写作质量有显著正面影响,"关联比较"功能还能够预测写作质量。 This study examines citation features of L2 academic writing and its relationship to writing quality. The findings are: 1Citation density,the frequency of integral and non-integral citations are higher at the high-rated theses than that at the low-rated theses,but only integral verb controlling is significantly different at the two levels; 2 For citation function,"association and comparison"appears most at the high-rated theses,while "attribution"at the lowrated theses; 3 Non-integral citation usually implements the functions of "exemplification","application ",and"summarizing",while integral citation implements "association and comparison"; 4 Integral verb controlling is positively correlated with writing quality,and the function of "association and comparison"predicts writing quality.
作者 马蓉 秦晓晴
出处 《外语电化教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期57-62,74,共7页 Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education
基金 国家社科基金项目"大学生英语学术文献阅读与引用能力的发展及影响因素研究"(项目编号:13BYY086)的阶段性成果
关键词 学术写作 引用特征 引用功能 写作质量 Academic Writing Citation Features Citation Function Writing Quality
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