
Individual consistency and sex differences in migration strategies of Scopoli's shearwaters Calonectris diomedea despite year differences 被引量:1

Individual consistency and sex differences in migration strategies of Scopoli's shearwaters Calonectris diomedea despite year differences
摘要 Recently-developed capabilities for tracking the movements of individual birds over the course of a year or longer has provided increasing evidence for consistent individual differences in migration schedules and destinations. This raises questions about the relative importance of individual consistency versus flexibility in the evolution of migration strategies, and has implications for the ability of populations to respond to climatic change. Using geolocators, we tracked the migrations of Scopoli's shearwaters Calonectris diomedea breeding in Linosa (Italy) across three years, and analysed timing and spatial aspects of their movements. Birds showed remarkable variation in their main wintering destination along the western coast of Africa. We found significant individual consistency in the total distance traveled, time spent in transit, and time that individuals spent in the win- tering areas. We found extensive sex differences in scheduling, duration, distances and destinations of migratory journeys. We also found sex differences in the degree of individual consistency in aspects of migration behaviour. Despite strong evidence for individual consistency, which indicates that migration journeys from the same bird tended to be more similar than those of dif- ferent birds, there remained substantial intra-individual variation between years. Indeed, we also found clear annual differences in departure dates, return dates, wintering period, the total distance traveled and re^rn routes from wintering grounds back to the colony. These findings show that this population flexibly shifts migration schedules as well as routes between years in response to direct or indirect effects of heterogeneity in the environment, while maintaining consistent individual migration strategies [Current Zoology 60 (5): 631-641, 2014].
出处 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第5期631-641,共11页 动物学报(英文版)
关键词 Avian migration GLS loggers REPEATABILITY Individual strategies 迁移策略 个体差异 性别差异 一致性 海鸥 鸟类迁徙 行驶距离 时间表
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