
经济人类学中国本土化路径模式:解读相际经营原理 被引量:2

Localization Model of Economic Anthropology:Interphase (Xiangji) Operational Theory with the Chinese Characteristics
摘要 在经济人类学中国本土化的过程中,杨庭硕教授提出了"相际经营"的理论模式,该模式在将经济人类学中国本土化的同时为经济人类学的理论发展做出了新的贡献。所谓经济人类学中国本土化的路径,就是应用经济人类学的理论和方法,对我国经济社会发展中所面临的问题,进行深入调查研究,提出行之有效的施政措施,并从理论上升华。杨庭硕教授有关相际经营原理的著述,正是这一路径的真实写照。本文从不同的角度,对相际经营原理模式中的中国经济人类学本土化路径模式及特色,进行梳理和讨论。 Professor Yang Tingshuo by putting forward the "theory of interphase (Xiangji) operation", made his new contribution to the localization of economic anthropology, and at the same time to the theoretical development of economic anthropology in the process of localizing it in China. The way to make the economic anthropology localized in China is to apply the theories and methods of economic anthropology, in the minority areas during the course of China's economic development, to investigate and solve the problems that faced by the minorities by effectively policy making and then formatting the new theory models. When seriously study Professor Yang Tingshuo's monograph on the "theory of interphase (Xiangji) operation", we can easily identify that Yong followed this direction very well. This paper will probe and summarize the road model of localizing economic anthropology with the Chinese characteristics by examining Yang's interphase operation principle mode from different angles.
作者 田广 张林林
机构地区 汕头大学
出处 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期21-25,共5页 Qinghai Journal of Ethnology
关键词 相际经营原理 理论反思 中国特色 政策建议 Interphase Operational Principle Theoretically Rethinking Chinese Characteristics Policy Proposals
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