
地域文化嵌入性对产业集群发展的影响——基于青海藏毯产业集群的调查研究 被引量:2

The Influence of Regional Culture Embedability on Industrial Clusters Development——Research Based on Clusters of Qinghai-Tibetan Carpets Industry
摘要 地域文化嵌入性对产业集群发展有着重要影响。文章以青海藏毯产业集群作为研究对象,通过实地访谈,系统分析了地域文化嵌入性影响藏毯产业集群发展的作用机理。研究发现,嵌入在当地的传统藏民族文化是藏毯产业得以延续的基础,是藏毯产业的文化竞争优势的源泉;龙头企业家精神是促进集群发展的关键力量,本地企业家是集群发展的主要推动力;外地企业家的加入促进了集群发展,避免了本地文化的锁定;同时,嵌入在青海本地的"轻商、歧商、排商"的传统文化观念导致企业家精神匮乏,集群发展动力明显不足。 Regional culture embedability has great importance on industrial clusters development. This article, with clusters of Qinghai-Tibetan carpets industry as research objects, systematically analyzes the functional mechanism of regional culture embedability influencing the development of Tibetan carpets industry clusters through on-the-spot interview. According to the research, traditional Tibetan culture embedded locally is the basis on which Tibetan carpets can extend, and the source from which Tibetan carpets industry gains its competitive advantages; entrepreneurship of lead!ng enterprises is the essential strength that fosters the development of industrial clusters; local entrepreneurs are the main force of clusters development; exotic entrepreneurs' (professional agents') integration facilitates clusters development, i.e. through the integration of exotic entrepreneurs, new culture (new perception and new concept) is introduced, and local culture avoids being framed. At the same time, the traditional cultural concepts of distaining for business, discriminating against business, and rejecting business which are embedded in Qinghai locally result in the shortage of entrepreneurship and clusters development forces.
作者 李毅 时秀梅
出处 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期148-152,共5页 Qinghai Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社科基金项目<青藏高原资源环境因素下区域工业发展研究(批准号:06BJY051)> 青海民族大学高层次人才计划科研项目<青藏高原新型工业化研究(2013G007)>
关键词 地域文化 嵌入性 产业集群 青海藏毯 藏文化 Local Culture Embedability Industrial Clusters, Qinghai-Tibetan Carpets Tibetan Culture
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