
美日公共图书馆动漫阅读推广活动探析 被引量:20

Reading Promotion Activities and Programs on Comics in American and Japanese Public Libraries
摘要 动漫资料本身具有艺术和文学价值,能够对少年儿童的成长起到积极作用。美日两国很多公共图书馆都拥有相当数量的动漫馆藏,也围绕动漫开展了一系列推广活动。本文通过对两国相应图书馆官网的公开信息和数据的分析,将动漫推广活动分成两类:一类是依托传统服务开展的动漫阅读推广活动,另一类是以项目形式开展的动漫阅读推广活动,每个大类下再细分成若干个具体的活动。依赖两国的动漫文化,公共图书馆围绕动漫开展的推广活动内容多样,在促进阅读,提高用户到馆率方面发挥了很好的作用。公共图书馆构建动漫馆藏,开展相应的服务与活动,为公共图书馆开发新资源,拓展服务,吸引少年儿童,推进阅读提供了新的方向和思路。 Comics are very popular with children and adolescents. Many American and Japanese public libraries own a comic collection and create reading promotion activities and programs around it. Based on the public information of those libraries' official websites and some academic papers, this article adopted the methods of document surveys and case study to summarize two types of comic reading promotion activities: one is the traditional ways of comic reading promotion activity; the other is comic reading promotion program. Each type was divided into several concrete events to illustrate what these events were and how they worked. This article found out that public libraries tried their best to promote comic reading not only because comics are appealing to patrons but also because the reading of great comics have something to do with children' s self-development and information literacy. The appealing power to young people and artistic and/or literature values make comics become a new trend in library collection development. 2 figs. 3 tabs. 26 refs.
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期33-42,共10页 Journal of Library Science in China
关键词 公共图书馆 动漫 阅读推广 Public library. Comics. Reading promotion.
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