
范畴化理论的演进 被引量:1

A study of the definitions and implications of categorization
摘要 范畴化是语言学界,乃至哲学界和心理学界一直关注和研究的问题。范畴化理论的不断更新也对语言研究的范式产生了诸多影响。国外的范畴化理论较多,而国内相关研究较少;让更多语言研究者了解各种范畴化理论,并为汉语研究服务,这是本文翻译的初衷。总的说来,范畴化研究经历了传统观点、传统观点批判、梯度结构批判和范畴理论等4个阶段。随着认知科学和语言学的发展,以事件为基础的新范畴化阶段已经出现。文章逐一介绍了不同的范畴化理论的核心观点、存在的问题以及对其批判,并对后续研究进行了展望。 Categorization is a interdisciplinary research focus, whose research findings have promoted further studies in the relevant fields of linguistics, philosophy and psychology. The study on categorization has gone roughly through four phases: classical categorization, challenges to the classical view, graded structure critique and categories as theories. Along with the development of cognitive science and linguistics; the newly event-based phase of the study on categorization has been underway. This paper introduces previous categorization theories and attempts to provide insights for future researches.
机构地区 武汉大学文学院
出处 《云南师范大学学报(对外汉语教学与研究版)》 2014年第6期68-74,共7页 Journal of Yunnan Normal University(Teaching & Studying Chinese as a Foreign Language Edition)
关键词 范畴化 传统观点 原型 梯度结构批判 理论之理论 事件 categorization classic view prototype graded structure critique theory-theory event
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