
论语境论科学史学的合理性 被引量:1

Rationality of Contextualist Historiography of Science
摘要 不同思想主导下的科学史学研究,其合理性主要体现在能否科学地解决科学史研究面临的一系列基本问题。文章基于语境论科学史学的核心主张,从客观的"语境实在"本体论说明、动态的"语境建构"认识论解释和合理的"语境基底"方法论分析等三方面,回答了科学史的客观性诠释、史料的解读、科学事件的意义、文本的修正等一系列核心的、基本的问题,为语境论科学史学的合理性进行了理论辩护。 The rationality of historiography of science guided under different thoughts is mainly determined by whether it can answer reasonably a series of basic issues of the history of science. Based on the core view of the contextualist historiography of science, this paper tries to solve the problem of the objectivity of history of science, the interpretation of historical materials,the significance of scientific event,the correction of a text from the ontological interpretation of the"contextual reality" ,the epistemological explanation of the"contextual construction" ,and the methodological anal- ysis of the"contextual basement". It justifies the rationality of the eontextualist historiography of science.
作者 李树雪
出处 《科学技术哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期70-74,共5页 Studies in Philosophy of Science and Technology
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目"语境论科学观的编史学意义研究"(11BZX023) 山西省高等学校哲学社会科学研究项目"当代西方科学史观的语境评析及其认识论意蕴"(2012302)
关键词 语境论 科学史学 科学史 合理性 contextualism historiography of science history of science rationality
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