Campaigners against death penalty commonly present an edict issued by Em- peror Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty in 747 as the first abolition of capital punishment in history. Sadly, a thorough examination shows that, although strangulation and decapitation, the two legal forms of death penalties, were temporarily suppressed, executions went on through other means such as bastinadoes with bamboo. If it was not the forerunner that present-day abolitionists would expect, the 747 edict deserves interest as a belated expression of a deeply original and typically Chinese abolitionism. Launched by Emperor Wu of the Han in 167 BC, a series of legal changes resulted in the complete suppression of mutilating punishments (肉刑) after tenturies of move forwards, reversals, and restarts. Indeed the Chinese civilization was the first to assess the legitimacy of legal penalties on the criteria of humanitarian principles, and to decide that punishments deemed "cruel" (酷) should be renouncod by the State. China thus experienced all the challenges of legal progressivism long before Enlightened Europe launch the great reforms that won the day from the late 18th century on.
Global Law Review