
被动采样—离子色谱法对秦俑遗址环境腐蚀性气体的检测研究 被引量:3

Passive sampling-ion chromatography for corrosive gases monitoring at Emperor Qin's Terracotta Warriors and Horses site
摘要 本研究通过使用被动采样—离子色谱法对秦俑遗址环境中的酸碱性和氧化性气体进行检测,并与主动法检测结果进行对比,发现在较大的浓度范围和较长的采样时间内两种方法的总体结果具有一致性,且与主动法相比,被动法具有更高的空间分辨率,能反映区域范围污染物的分布情况。所以,一定条件下可以使用被动采样—离子色谱法替代主动法进行博物馆遗址环境腐蚀性气体的检测。 Passive sampling- ion chromatography was used to monitor polluting gases, including acidic, basic and oxidizing gases, in Qin Emperor Terracotta Warriors and Horses site. The results were compared with active sam- pling method to test the effectiveness of ion chromatography with passive samplers. It is found that within a large concentration range and under a long period of sampling, the overall concentrations results of two sampling methods are comparable and consistent. Passive sampling techniques, therefore, could be applied to the monitoring of corro- sive gases at museum sites.
出处 《文物保护与考古科学》 北大核心 2014年第4期54-61,共8页 Sciences of Conservation and Archaeology
基金 国家文物局文物保护科学和技术研究课题资助(20120219) 国家科技支撑项目资助(2012BAK14B01 2012BAK14B02)
关键词 被动采样一离子色谱法 遗址环境 腐蚀性气体 Passive sampling- ion chromatography Ruins of soil environment Harmful gases
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