

Re-research on Linji Chan Sect(临济禅)and Buddhism in Hebei Area in the Middle and Late Tang
摘要 本文将较早的石刻材料《魏州故禅大德奖公塔碑》和后出的禅宗典籍进行对比分析,进一步考察了中晚唐时代临济义玄和其弟子孔存奖(即奖公)在河北弘法的情况,期冀能由此进一步认识这一时期临济禅的发展轨迹,以及作为割据型藩镇的河朔地区的文化面貌。据《奖公塔碑》所载,孔存奖本为幽州人,在盘山接受最初的佛学教育,习禅法,后来拜临济义玄为师,到魏博镇大力弘法、敷导民俗,被视为"当世如来"。这体现了同为河朔藩镇的卢龙镇与魏博镇在精神文化方面的竞争。而后出的禅宗文献只着力强调奖公继承义玄的禅法,将义玄塑造成具有预见政局的能力的"神僧",叙述他在幽州地区的法嗣的事迹。这一切都是为了建构一个更为清晰地传灯谱系、编撰本宗的光辉历史。 The thesis analyses and compares an early material-the inscription of dead Chan Eminent Monk Called Jianggong(奖公), and reluctantly late Chan records. Based on this, the thesis studies the situation that Lin ji yi xuan(临济义玄)and his disciple-Kong Cunjiang(孔存奖)(Jiang gong) disseminated Buddhist doctrine in Hebei district in the middle and late Tang. The author expected that we could more profoundly understand the development tra,iectory of Lin ji Chan Sect during this period, and the cultural features of separate provinces (He shuo Zone). According to his inscription, Kong Cunjiang, a native in Youzhou(幽州), was initiated Buddhist knowledge in Panshan(盘山)and learned Chan. Then he became disciple of Lin ji yi xuan. However, he positively disseminated Buddhist doctrine in Weibo(魏博)province and enlightened the populace. Jiang Gong was regarded as contemporary Tathagata(如来). This indicated that Lulong(卢龙)and Weibo were both separate provinces, but cultural contest still existed between them. Late Chan documents only emphasized that Jiang gong succeeded Yi xuan's Chan methods, and portrayed Yi xuan as a sacred monk who was able to predict political situation changes. Also, this document narrated his disciples' achievements in Youzhou. All of this was to construct a distinct successive pedigree and compile spectacular history of Lin ji Chan.
作者 尤李
出处 《内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2014年第5期108-112,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 唐代 临济禅 义玄 奖公 幽州 魏搏 Tang Dynasty Linji Chan Sect Yixuan Jianggong Youzhou Weibo
  • 相关文献


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  • 5Yanagida, Seizan, The Life of Lin-chi I-hsuan, The Eastern Buddhist, 1972, 2,pp.82- 83,86- 87,93-94.
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