
论典籍翻译中的“深度翻译”倾向——以21世纪初三种《中庸》英译本为例 被引量:40

“Thick translation” in English translation of Chinese classics—A case study of three newly-published translations of Zhongyong
摘要 21世纪初美国出版的三种《中庸》英译本均呈现出显著的深度翻译特征。安乐哲译本通过在引言中论证中国哲学的过程性、译文中运用焦点与场域语言以及注释中诉诸类比等深度翻译形式凸显了对中国过程哲学的阐发;浦安迪译本则侧重于文内隐注的方式,通过大量的显化翻译建构了一条经典重构的诗学路径;迦达纳译本着重通过爬梳《中庸》经典化历史、复制双行小注的注疏体和引用业已为经典的朱熹注等方式践行了以"经"构"经"的史学路径。本文结合中国阐释学的境域论,将这三种译本中哲学、诗学和史学的多样化阐释解释为译者与其最为切近层次存在境域之间张力的产物。 Early 21^(st) century has witnessed the publication of three translated versions of the Chinese classic Zhongyong,which are all characterized by the tendency of thick translation.Roger Ames and David Hall's collaborative translation emphasizes the dominative process nature of Chinese philosophy through a wide use of language of focus and field in the main body of translation and analogy in its endnotes.Andrew Plaks builds a poetic way of canon translation by adding agreat quantity of translation amplification and by amalgamating various historical interpretations.Daniel Gardner reconstructs Zhongyong's image as a Chinese canon by unfolding to readers its canonized process in his translation introduction and by adopting the interlinear commentary forms in his translational notes.Drawing on the theory of context in Chinese hermeneutics,which holds that the interpreter's existential context decides his interpretation,it is suggested that the three diversified interpretations of Zhongyong from a philosophical,poetic or historiographical perspective can be viewed as a product of the tension between the translator and his existential context.
作者 宋晓春
出处 《外语教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期939-948,961,共10页 Foreign Language Teaching and Research
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"<中庸>英译与中庸翻译思想研究"(13CYY013)的阶段性成果 湖南大学"青年教师成长计划"资助
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