Objective To explore the phagocytizing process of melanosome by keratinocytes, and to verify the inhibitory effect of niacinamide, Methods After melanosomes were isolated from human hair and further confirmed by a transmission electron microscope, they were added to the keratinocyte cultures. Millicell cell culture plates were used to establish the keratinoeyte-melanocyte co-culture model. To determine whether niacinamide inhibited keratinocyte phagocytosis, niacinamide was added to the cell cultures. Immunostaining with HMB45 antibody was used to determine whether melansomes were phagocytized by keratinocytes. Results Keratinocytes could phagocytize the melanosomes from human hair. In the keratinocyte-melanocyte co-cuhure model, the melanosomes secreted by melanocytes could pass through the 8μm-pore of Millicell plate, and were phagocytized by keratinocytes under the Millicell. Niacinamide could inhibit the phagocytosis in both co-culture and keratinocyte culture. Conclusion Melanosomes from hair and Millicell model could be used to study the transfer of melanosomes, providing a new idea for future studies.
The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology