
Direction-Based Adaptive Switching Filter for Removing High-Density Impulse Noise

Direction-Based Adaptive Switching Filter for Removing High-Density Impulse Noise
摘要 A direction-based adaptive switching(DBAS) filter is presented for the removal of high-density impulse noise in images. The extrema detection and 28-directional detection are employed to discriminate the pixels as noisy or noise-free. If a pixel is classified as noisy, it will be replaced by a median or a mean value within an adaptive filter window with respect to different noise densities. Simulation results show that the miss-detection ratio and false-alarm ratio are both very low even at noise level as high as 90%. At the same time, better results are obtained in terms of the qualitative and quantitative measures. The peak signal-to-noise ratios increase by nearly 1 dB compared with other existing algorithms. In addition, the computation time is around 10 s for test images with resolutions of 512×512since the proposed approach has low complexity. A direction-based adaptive switching(DBAS) filter is presented for the removal of high-density impulse noise in images. The extrema detection and 28-directional detection are employed to discriminate the pixels as noisy or noise-free. If a pixel is classified as noisy, it will be replaced by a median or a mean value within an adaptive filter window with respect to different noise densities. Simulation results show that the miss-detection ratio and false-alarm ratio are both very low even at noise level as high as 90%. At the same time, better results are obtained in terms of the qualitative and quantitative measures. The peak signal-to-noise ratios increase by nearly 1 dB compared with other existing algorithms. In addition, the computation time is around 10 s for test images with resolutions of 512×512since the proposed approach has low complexity.
出处 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2014年第6期422-428,共7页 天津大学学报(英文版)
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.61401237) the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin(No.13JCQNJC01200) the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China(No.20130031120034)
关键词 direction-based FILTER impulse noise noise detection nonlinear FILTER MEDIAN FILTER direction-based filter impulse noise noise detection nonlinear filter median filter
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