Deng Xiaoping' strategic mentality to design reform and opening-up reveals the exceptional wisdom of the chief architect. Strategic mentality determines Deng Xiaoping's status as the chief architect for reform and o- pening-up. Personal traits of strategic mentality permeate the entire mental process of Deng Xiaoping in designing reform and opening-up. The mentalities of holding the overall situation, overall planning and all-round considera- tion, coordinating and balancing, and rebounding and persistence form the distinctive features of Deng Xiaoping's strategic consciousness. Strategic mentality is indispensable for the Communist Party of China to lead revolution, construction, and reform. Each leadership of the Party Central Committee inherits the same idea to pay great atten- tion to strategic mentality. The new Party Central Committee formed in the Party~ 18th Congress formed the new mentality to strengthen top-level design, which is an inheritance and development of Deng Xiaoping~ strategic ide- as in contemporary development in China. The ability to carry out strategic mentality must be raised to comprehen- sively promote reform.
Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Yan’an
Deng Xiaoping
chief architect
strategic mentality ~ top-level design