
高中生的社会支持与学校适应 被引量:6

The Social Support and School Adjustment of Senior High School Students
摘要 目的考察高中生社会支持的特点、学校适应状况以及高中生社会支持对学校适应的预测作用。方法以816名高中生为被试,采用情感关系量表考察高中生的社会支持特点,采用高中生学校适应量表考察其学校适应状况。结果重复测量方差分析表明,高中生寻求重要他人的社会支持存在显著的性别主效应(F(1,806)=17.063,P<0.001),事后均值比较发现,高中女生寻求母亲、父亲和同性朋友的社会支持显著多于高中男生(P<0.001),高中男生寻求异性朋友的支持显著多于高中女生(P<0.05)。重复测量方差分析表明,高中男生和女生的4个重要他人的主效应都显著(F(3,984)=20.268,P<0.001,F(3,1434)=128.664,P<0.001),事后成对比较发现,高中生寻求同性朋友的社会支持显著多于寻求父母支持和异性朋友支持(P<0.05),高三学生比高一、高二更多寻求父母的社会支持(P<0.05)。独立样本t检验表明,重点中学高中生学校适应总体水平(t=2.099,P<0.05)、学习适应(t=2.227,P<0.05)、学校态度(t=5.947,P<0.001)、师生关系(t=3.951,P<0.001)显著好于普通中学高中生,普通中学高中生比重点中学高中生同伴关系更好(t=2.444,P<0.05);单因素方差分析的事后多重比较表明,高三学生的学校适应最好,高二的学校适应最差(P<0.05)。独立样本t检验表明,高中女生学校适应显著好于男生(t=3.258,P<0.01)。多元线性回归分析表明,高中生的父亲支持(β=0.226,t=5.288,P<0.001)、同性朋友支持(β=0.204,t=5.471,P<0.001)、母亲支持越多(β=0.109,t=2.508,P<0.05),高中生的学校适应越好。结论同性朋友是高中生最重要的他人;高中女生寻求父母和同性朋友的社会支持显著多于高中男生,高三学生寻求父母的支持显著多于高一、高二学生;重点中学高中生学校适应总体水平显著好于普通中学,而普通高中学生的同伴关系比重点高中学生好,高中女生比高中男生学校适应好,高三学生学校适应最好,高二最差;高中生的社会支持越多,学校适应越好。 Objective To investigate the social support and school adjustment of senior high school students ,as well as the prediction ofsocialsupportofseniorhighschoolstudentsforschooladjustment.Methods 816highschoolstudentsweremeasuredtheirsocial support by Affective Relationship Scale ,and the school adjustment by the questionnaire of school adjustment .Results Repeated Measure MONOVA indicated that there were significant sex main effect in seeking social support for senior high school (F(1,806) =17.063,P<0.001),and after comparison of means ,females in senior high school sought more social support from mother ,father and same-gender friend than males(P<0.001),and males from opposite -gender more than females(P<0.05).Repeated Measure MONOVA indicated that there was significant main effect of significant others (F(3,984) =20.268,P<0.001,F(3,1434) =128.664,P<0.001),and after the paired comparison ,senior three students sought more mother and father social support than senior one and senior two students ( P <0.05).Independent samples T -test indicated that senior high school students in key high school had higher school adjustment level (t=2.099,P<0.05),better academic adjustment(t=2.227,P<0.05)and school attitude(t=5.947,P<0.001)as well as teacher -rela-tionship(t=3.951,P<0.001)than those in ordinary high school ,and senior high school students in ordinary high school had better peer relationship(t=2.444,P<0.05)than those in key high school .Comparison of means of ANOVA indicated that the school adjustment of senior three students was better than senior one and senior two students (P<0.05),and school adjustment of senior two students was the worst(P<0.05).Independent samples T -test indicated that the school adjustment of females in high school was better significantly than that of males(t=3.258,P<0.01).Multiple linear regression analysis indicated that the more father support (β=0.226,t=5.288, P<0.001),same-gender friend support(β=0.204,t=5.471,P<0.001)and mother support(β=0.109,t=2.508,P<0.05),the better the school adjustment of senior high school students .Conclusion The same-gender friend is the most important significant oth-ers for senior high school students .Females in senior high school seek more social support from parent and same -sex friend than males . Senior three students seek more social support from parent than senior one and senior two students .Senior high school students in key high school have higher level whole school adjustment than those in ordinary high school ,while senior high school students in ordinary high school have better peer relationship than those in key high school .The school adjustment of females in senior high school is better than that of males ,and school adjustment of senior three students is the best ,and that of senior two students is the worst .The more social support is,the better school adjustment of senior high school students are .
作者 侯静
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2014年第11期1670-1675,共6页 China Journal of Health Psychology
基金 国家社会科学青年基金项目(10CSH048) 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目(07JC840011)
关键词 高中生 社会支持 学校适应 情感关系量表 Senior high school students Social support School adjustment ARS
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