
《道德经》英译史的描写性研究 被引量:2

A Descriptive Study of English Translation of Tao Te Ching
摘要 自1868年第一个《道德经》英译本诞生以来,其英译本数量不断增长,如今已超过百种。由于这些译本产生于不同的年代,出自不同的译者,原文本的开放性和译者的前理解使译文产生多样化具备了可能性和必然性,而译者主体性使多样化的翻译最终得以实现。为反映《道德经》翻译的历时特征与中西译者之间的文化差异,文中选取的译本跨越了各个历史时期,涵盖了中西译者。本文运用描述翻译学的研究成果,从历时的角度分析描述译文,尽可能客观地描写译本之间的异同点;《道德经》的英译从早期传教士的基督教化到后来汉学家的西方哲学化再到今天海内外学者的回归本原化,也是中西文化交流史的一个缩影。 Tao Te Ching is one of the mostly widely translated Chinese classics. It has been translated into many languages and has more than over 180 English versions since the first English version appeared in 1868. Because different translators have different comprehensions and interpretations, they consider the needs of the society and their implied readers to adopt their translation strategies. In order to reflect the diachronic characteristics of Tao Te Ching's translations and the cultural differences between translators in and abroad, this paper focuses on the translations produced in different period of times. This paper intends to make a descriptive and diachronic study of Tao Te Ching's translation by means of translator' s subjectivity, descriptive translation studies.
作者 董娜
机构地区 北京语言大学
出处 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2014年第5期36-41,51,共7页 Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目-"典籍翻译与经典重构--<道德经>英译研究"(项目编号:10YJC740026)的子课题研究报告
关键词 《道德经》 英译 中国典籍 Tao Te Ching English translation Chinese classics
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