

Discursive Construction of Agency in a Chinese Gay Man's Narratives
摘要 本文通过动作描述以及叙述评论两个层面对同性恋叙述中第一人称"我"的施动性进行分析。结果发现在同性恋身份认知的四个阶段,施动性逐步上升,叙述者对自身责任的话语构建发生了微妙的变化,对问题身份从推脱到接受。这样的叙述策略是同性恋叙述者寻求与主流社会道德立场的一致的努力,在话语层面合理化、正常化自己的"问题身份"。而另一方面,从低到高的施动性话语构建也表明叙述者对性别身份的完全自知自治,由此可见边缘人群的身份并非完全受制于主流话语体系而是主流话语体系的制约以及个人的重构力量的博弈和抗衡,正是这种博弈和抗衡使得"问题身份"变得自然、合理。 This paper scrutinizes the discursive construction of agency in a Chinese gay man’s narratives and finds that agency is constructed both at the clausal level as well as discoursal level. And along the homosexuality identity development agency of the first person pronoun“I” builds up.“I” deflects the responsibility for the action of being“a gay man” and then claims the responsibility. It is argued that the narrative strategies adjust the agentive status of the first person pronoun“I” and normalize the“problematic identity”, which shows the conflict and negotiation between the homosexual individual and the heterosexuality hegemony.
作者 李玉坤
机构地区 广东工业大学
出处 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2014年第5期46-51,共6页 Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
基金 广东工业大学博士启动项目阶段性成果 项目编号为405120145
关键词 同性恋叙述 施动性 话语构建 homosexual narratives agency discursive construction
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