

The Offender-victim Interactions in Robbery:An Perspective of a Circumplex Model
摘要 以往对于犯罪人与被害人之间互动关系研究多限于静态化的几类互动模式的介绍与阐述,缺少对犯罪具体情境中犯罪人与被害人在行为上和情绪上的动态人际交往过程的考量。以心理学行为主义流派中的环形模型为研究视角,从抢劫犯罪人与被害人的具体行为入手,将抢劫过程中双方的互动关系置于环形模型中进行定量研究,可以实现将抢劫过程中的具体行为类型化,并在此基础上预测抢劫犯罪人的后续行为。从被害预防角度来说,正确地认识并预测犯罪人的行为,有利于被害人在遭遇侵害时及时采取正确的自救措施。 Pervious studies on offender- victim interaction mostly focus on introducing several interaction types,without considering a wide range of information (such as behavioral, personal and motivational) in the interpersonal interactions. The present study aims to overcome the problems of existing robbery typologies based on an interpersonal behavioral model known as the circumplex and offer reliable predictions of these dynamic relationships. To the victims, correct understanding and tent. taking effective measures can keep themselves safe in the large extent.
机构地区 北京师范大学
出处 《河南警察学院学报》 2014年第5期65-71,共7页 Journal of Henan Police College
关键词 抢劫被害人 互动关系 环形模型 Robbery Victim Interaction relationship Circumplex model
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