
美国博士生学业完成的困境及原因分析 被引量:6

Analysis of the Plight,Causes of American Ph. D Candidates' Sagging Performance in Completing Their Degrees
摘要 美国博士生教育面临获博士学位比例低,获学位用时长,少数族裔、本土学生以及女性学生学业完成率低等困境。造成博士生学业完成低迷的原因除严格的淘汰制度外,还包括院系要求不明确、论文选题不当、导师指导不力、学生能力不足、学习意愿不强、人际关系不和、资助不足以及就业市场对博士学位需求不足等。美国的经验表明,完善招生环节、强化分流筛选机制、加强导师指导绩效考核以及更好地发挥院系主体作用有助于问题解决。 There are many plights in American doctoral education, such as the low completion rate , the long duration, the low completion rate of minority, female and domestic students. In addition to the selection and qualification systems, there are many factors of attrition, including college char- acter, thesis topics and guidance, the students' academic capability, the students' psychological and personality factors, students' expectations, interpersonal relationships, financing system and the merits of doctor' s degrees in the job market. American experience suggests that it is important to improve recruiting and guidance procedures and to emphasize faculties' and mentors' responsi- bilities.
作者 李海生
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期101-111,共11页 Global Education
关键词 美国博士生 学业困境 完成学业率 American doctoral education Plight of Ph. D Candidates Ph. D. Completion rate
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