
新生代农民工组织嵌入、职业嵌入与工作绩效研究 被引量:8

A Study of Organizational Embeddedness, Occupational Embeddedness and Job Performance of New-Generation Rural Migrant Workers
摘要 在工作嵌入理论基础上拓展出新生代农民工的组织嵌入与职业嵌入理念,运用398个样本探讨了它们与任务绩效、组织公民行为和反生产行为的关系。研究发现:新生代农民工组织嵌入与职业嵌入是可区分的2个独立变量;新生代农民工的组织嵌入正向影响任务绩效、组织公民行为和负向影响反生产行为;新生代农民工职业嵌入正向影响任务绩效和负向影响反生产行为;新生代农民工的社区嵌入对组织嵌入与任务绩效和组织公民行为关系具有调节作用,对反生产行为调节作用不显著;新生代农民工社区嵌入对职业嵌入与工作绩效的3个变量不存在调节效应。 Based on the work embeddedness th tory, this paper extends the concepts of organizational embeddedness and occupational embeddedncss about the new-generation rural migrant workers. Then it makes use of the 398 samples to explore the relationship between them and task performance, organizational citizenship behavior and counterproductive work behavior. The results show that organizational cmbeddcdness and occupational embeddedness of the new-generation rural migrant workers are two autonomous variables. Organization cmbeddedncss has significant positive effects on task performance and organizational citizenship behavior, and has significant negative effects on counterproductive work behavior. Occupational embeddedncss has significant positive effects on task performance and significant negative effects on counterproductive work behavior. Community embcddedncss has a regulating effect on the relationship between organizational embeddcdness and task performance and organizational citizenship behavior, but no significant effect on counterproductive work behavior. Community embeddedness has no regulating effect on occupational embeddedness and the three variables of job performance.
作者 陈云川 雷轶
出处 《当代财经》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期79-91,共13页 Contemporary Finance and Economics
关键词 组织嵌入 职业嵌入 社区嵌入 反生产行为 organizational embeddedness occupational embeddedness community embeddedness counterproductive work behavior
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