

Application of integrated SCADA solution based on maxLINKS in ultra supercritical unit
摘要 分析了火电厂分散控制系统、网络控制系统和电气监控系统间通信的需求及实现难点,介绍了当前3种主流的一体化监控方式。在此基础上,提出了一种基于maxLINKS的电厂一体化监控方案并将其成功应用于华电江苏能源有限公司句容发电厂一期2×1000MW超超临界发电机组。实践表明,该方案有效降低了电厂的投资成本与运行成本,满足了电厂一体化监控的需求,提高了电厂的自动化水平。 The communication requirements between three automation systems of thermal power plant and the difficulties in realization were analyzed. The current three mainstream integrated supervisory control and data acquisition solutions were introduced. Based on this,an integrated supervisory control and data acquisition solution based on maxLINKS of power plant was proposed and successfully applied in 2 × 1 000 MW ultra supercritical unit of Huadian Jiangsu Energy Company Limited Jurong Power Plant object phase I. The practice shows that by adoptingthis solution,the investment and operation cost of the power plant were reduced effectively,the requirement of power plant integrated control and monitoring were satisfied,and the automation level of the power plant was improved.
作者 吴军
出处 《华电技术》 CAS 2014年第10期19-22,26,共5页 HUADIAN TECHNOLOGY
关键词 超超临界机组 一体化监控 电气监控系统 分散控制系统 ultra supercritical unit integrated supervisory control and data acquisition electric control system distributed control system
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