Marx发生器在产生快前沿和高电压脉冲的过程中,气体开关的击穿特性起到了至关重要的作用。本文首先介绍Marx发生器及其气体开关的概念和工作原理;然后根据理论基础,采用氮气进行气体绝缘,研究1.5mm、2.5mm和3.0mm气隙间距的气体开关在0~3.0Bar气压条件下的击穿电压以及3.0mm气隙间距的气体开关在0~5.0Bar气压条件下的击穿电压;研究2mm、2.5mm和3.0mm气隙间距的气体开关在0~3.0Bar气压条件下的脉冲输出前沿。通过对比不同击穿条件下的击穿电压和输出电压前沿的实验数据,结果表明在同等气隙间距条件下开关击穿电压随气压变化基本呈线性关系;当气压越大时脉冲输出前沿越陡,在1.6 Bar左右时脉冲输出前沿趋于稳定。
The breakdown characteristic of gas switch plays a vital role when a Marx generator is generating fast rise-time ( leading edge) and high voltage pulse. Concept and working principle of Marx generator and its gas switch is introduced firstly. Then according to the theoretical basis, with N2 insulated, the breakdown voltage of gas switch with gap spacing of 1. 5mm, 2. 5mm and 3. 0mm are studied under the condition of 0 to 3. 0Bar air pressure, and the breakdown voltage of gas switch with gap spacing of 3 . 0 mm under the condition of 0 to 5 . 0 Bar air pressure;and output pulse rise-time of gas switch with gap spacing of 2. 0mm, 2. 5mm and 3. 0mm under the condition of 0 to 3. 0Bar air pressure is also studied. By comparing the breakdown voltage and risetime of output voltage obtained under the different breakdown conditions, it is shows that under the condition of same air gap spacing, the break-down voltage of the switch has a linear relation with the pressure variation. With air pressure increasing, the rise-time of pulse output will become steeper ( faster rise) , and the rise-time of pulse output become steady at about 1. 6Bar air pressure.
Fire Control Radar Technology
Marx generator
gas switch
breakdown characteristic
air pressure