为确定柱花草种子在低温条件下的安全贮藏年限,本研究以低温环境(5~7℃)下贮藏1~8 a 的9份柱花草种子为实验材料,通过测定其发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数,对不同贮藏年限柱花草种子的萌发特性进行研究。结果表明:在5~7℃条件下,柱花草种子活力(发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数)随贮藏时间的增加而降低,西卡柱花草种子耐贮藏能力显著低于圭亚那柱花草,而圭亚那柱花草中 TPRC90105柱花草种子最耐贮藏, TPRC90144柱花草种子最不耐贮藏。据试验结果确定,圭亚那柱花草种子低温条件下的贮藏年限应不超过5 a,而西卡柱花草种子应不超过4 a。该研究结果为柱花草种子的长期、安全贮藏提供了有力的理论依据。
To investigate the effects of storage years on seeds and confirm effective storage duration of Stylosanthes spp. seeds, the germination characteristics, including germination rate, germination index and viability index, of Stylosanthes seeds with different storage years in low temperature (5-7℃ ) were determined. It was found that with the storage years of Stylosanthes seeds increased, germination viability of seeds all reduced and was different in different Stylosanthes germplasms. The storage tolerance of S. scabra cv. Seca seeds was significantly lower than S. guianensis, and the storage tolerance of TPRC90105 seeds was highest and that of TPRC90144 seeds was lowest in S. guianensis. The results show that the effective storage duration of S. guianensis seeds is 1-5 years and that of S. scabra seeds is 1-4 years. The results provide theoretical basis for the store and use of Stylosanthes germplasm resource seeds.
Chinese Journal of Tropical Agriculture