

Formation Configuration Design Based on Halo Orbit
摘要 针对不同干涉基线约束下的最优Halo轨道编队构型设计方法展开研究。以Richardson关于Halo轨道的三阶近似解析解为基础建立同一轨道上两航天器编队的相对运动学模型;以平动点为质心的旋转坐标系为基准构造与编队主航天器和观测目标相关的旋转坐标系,并在此坐标系中给出不同于二体问题的干涉基线计算方法;以满足基线约束下观测时间最长为目标给出最优编队构型设计方法。最后,以绕日-地L2点的Halo轨道为例对上述编队构型设计方法的有效性进行了仿真验证。 Formation configuration design method based on Halo orbit with different interferometric baseline constraints is studied. The relative motion model for two spacecraft flying on one Halo orbit is established,using the third order approximate analytical solution form of Halo orbit derived by Richardson. The rotation coordinate system related with chief and the observed target is constructed,and the calculation formulae of interferometric baseline are given. Then the optimal formation configuration is obtained,satisfying the baseline constraints and the longest observing time. Finally,the simulation for formation flying on Halo orbit around the sun-earth L2 libration point shows the validity of the design.
出处 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期142-145,共4页 Fire Control & Command Control
基金 国家自然科学基金(61174204) 航天支撑基金资助项目(NAXW0006)
关键词 HALO轨道 编队飞行 构型设计 干涉基线 Halo orbit formation flight configuration design interferometric baseline
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