详细地阐述了使用Java EE技术中SSH组合框架实现OPAC系统的过程。程序的总体结构上,以Struts撑起程序的骨架,Hibernate简化数据库操作,Spring与Struts、Hibernate集成,管理依赖关系和管理事务,简化Hibernate编码;编码上,SSH组合框架使得很好地使用MVC技术和基于三层结构、面向接口的编程方式,以"视图→控制器→业务逻辑模型→数据访问模型"的开发顺序有序地进行编程。因此,SSH组合框架提供统一的程序结构,使得有序、高效地编码,也便于扩展和维护。
The process of using the SSH combination frame in Java EE technology to achieve OPAC system is described in detailed. In the general structure of the program, Struts supports the skeleton of program, and Hibernate simplifies database operation, and Spring integrates with Struts and Hibernate, manages dependencies and transaction, simplifies Hibernate code. In the code, using the SSH combination frame, orderly programming is done goodly with the MVC technology and three layers structure and to an interface and according to development order of "view→controller →business logic model →data access model". Therefore, SSH combination framework provides a unified program structure which is enable to code orderly and efficiently and facilitate the expansion and maintenance.
Computer Development & Applications