
自媒体网站上虚假客户评论法律规制的困境与克服——基于美国的经验及启示 被引量:9

Difficulties of the Legal Regulation about False Customer's Reviews on the New Media Website and the Solutions——Based on the American Experience and Enlightenment
摘要 随着电子商务和网购市场的发展,职业差评师和网络水军在购物网站或微博等社交媒体上制造肯定性的或否定性的虚假客户评论,不但侵犯了消费者、竞争者的合法权益,而且干扰了正常的网络交易秩序。由于网络行为本身的隐蔽性特点导致法律规制上一系列困境,比如立法保护呈现归责主体不全面、义务规定不完善、法律规定不统一的状态;司法保护中取证难导致的事实认定难;执法保护中的监管难。克服该困境可以在借鉴美国经验的基础上,完善现有的立法规定;挖掘自力救济的潜力克服司法保护中取证难问题;发挥行业自律以克服执法保护监管难问题;并提高广大网民的媒体素养和法律素养,从源头上遏制网上虚假的客户评论。 With the development of e-commerce and online shopping market, poor professional evaluation and internet water army, being active in social media, such as shopping websites or blog, create positive or negative false customer comments, not only infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, competitors, but also interferring with the normal order of internet trading. The concealing characteristic of network results in a series of difficulties to legal regulation, for instance, liability subject is not comprehensive, regulation about duty is imperfect, the law is not unified in legislation protection;in the judicial protection, evidence-producing difficulties lead to the fact-proving difficulties ; and the supervision is difficult in law enforcement protection. To overcome the dilemma, we can learn from the experience of the United States, taking the following measures: perfecting the existing legislation, digging up the potential of self-help to overcome forensics difficult problems in the judicial protection, giving play to the self-discipline to overcome supervision difficulties in law enforce- ment, enhancing the cyber citizen' s media literacy and legal literacy, and curbing false online customer reviews from the source.
作者 常宝莲
出处 《河南财经政法大学学报》 北大核心 2014年第6期97-107,共11页 Journal of Henan University of Economics and Law
基金 2010年度国家社科基金青年项目"广告欺诈行为的法律对策研究"的阶段性研究成果(项目编号:10CFX049)
关键词 恶意差评 虚假好评 法律规制 困境 克服 malicious bad review false praise legal regulation dilemma overcome
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