
大连市区普通居民的汞暴露风险研究 被引量:12

Mercury Exposure for General Residents in Dalian Urban Area
摘要 为了解沿海地区居民的汞暴露情况及其膳食汞的主要来源,对大连市区普通居民的膳食消费情况及其发汞浓度进行了调查与分析.普通居民的膳食消费情况采用调查问卷的形式进行,调查问卷的内容包括水产品消费情况、年龄、性别、身高、体重等,填写调查问卷的志愿者们同时自愿提供头发样品.膳食样品,如水产品、谷物、蔬菜等常见品种在大连市区的市场采用随机采购的方式获得.头发和膳食样品中的汞含量采用原子荧光光谱法测定,测定结果为:水产品中总汞含量为15.32(1.89~ 86.40) μg· kg^-1,其中甲基汞含量为8.05(1.79 ~ 40.33) μg ·kg^-1;谷物和蔬菜总汞含量分别为2.04(0.05 ~ 11.95) μg· kg^-1和0.96(0.05 ~ 2.74) μg ·kg^-1;头发样品中总汞浓度为(0.46±0.55) μg·g-1,其中甲基汞浓度为(0.28±0.19) μg·g-1.通过估算得知,大连市普通居民日平均的汞摄入量为0.043 μg·(kg·d)-1,其中来自水产品的摄入量占膳食摄入的63.6%.居民发汞浓度与年龄、水产品食用量呈正相关,与身高、体重没有显著的相关性;与美国国家环境保护局规定的人体发汞风险参考剂量1 μg ·g-1相对照,此次调查人群中约有4.6%的居民发汞浓度超出该标准限值,这表明大连市区普通居民可能面临汞暴露的潜在风险.该研究结果将为我国普通居民的汞暴露评估和风险控制提供重要参考数据. To clarify the exposure level and dietary intake of mercury among general residents in Dalian,hair and food samples were collected,followed by mercury concentration analysis.Dietary consumption profile was investigated with questionnaires,covering the information of consumption amounts of aquatic products,age,sex,body height and weight,etc.Hair samples were provided by volunteers after filling the questionnaires.Food samples,including aquatic products,grains and vegetables,were randomly collected from local markets.Mercury concentrations of hair and food samples were measured with Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer.The mean value of total mercury (THg) in aquatic products was 15.32(1.89 ~ 86A0) μg·kg-1,and the methyl mercury (MeHg) was 8.05(1.79 ~4033) μg·kg-1.Total mercury levels in grain and vegetable were 2.04 (0.05 ~ 11.95) μg· kg-1 and 0.96(0.05 ~ 2.74) μg· kg-1,respectively.Total mercury concentration in collected hair samples was (0.46 ±0.55) μg·g-1,while MeHg was (0.28 ± 0.19) μg·g-1.Daily mercury intake was estimated to be 0.043 μg·(kg·d)-1,where the consumption of aquatic products contnbuted to 63.6% of dietary mercury intake.Hair mercury levels were correlated with aquatic product consumption and age,but not corrected with body height and weight.There were 4.6% of population investigated with hair mercury concentrations higher than 1 μg·g-1 by USEPA regulation,which indicated that even general residents in Dalian may confront the potential risk of mercury exposure.This study provided the basic date for understanding the mercury exposure situation of the general residents in the coastal area of China.
出处 《生态毒理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期940-949,共10页 Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology
基金 国家自然科学基金(20947002)
关键词 汞暴露 发汞 膳食汞摄入 大连 mercury exposure hair mercury level food consumption Dalian
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