
拉链柱式中心支撑钢框架构件抗震设计方法 被引量:4

Seismic design for members of zipper frames
摘要 针对拉链柱式中心支撑钢框架结构中相关结构构件(拉链柱、支撑跨柱)设计方法研究较少、有关此类体系抗震性能如何还不十分明确的情况,提出了基于SRSS内力组合原则的拉链柱、支撑跨柱的设计经验公式。基于此建议设计了6层和12层拉链柱式中心支撑钢框架结构算例,并与悬挂拉链柱式中心支撑钢框架结构算例的自振特性、用钢量、多遇及罕遇地震下的动力响应等指标进行了比较。结果表明:两类算例的动力响应类似,均可满足抗震规范GB50011"小震不坏"、"大震不倒"的抗震设防目标。因按本文方法设计的结构用钢量较少,综合抗震性能较优,建议拉链柱以及支撑跨柱采用本文方法。 In view of the fact that the research about the zipper strut and braced column in the zip-per frames was insufficient and the seismic performance of the frames was not clear, empirical for-mulas about the design of zipper strut and braced column were proposed based on SRSS combination rules.Based on these formulas, two structural models of 6-storey and 10-storey frames were de-signed, and some indexes, including the natural periods, steel consumption and dynamic response under frequent and rare earthquakes, were analyzed and compared with those from the suspended zipper frame models.The results show that, the dynamic responses of the two kinds of structures are similar to each other, and both of them meet the requirement of “No damages due to frequent seis-mic cases” and “Collapse-forbidden due to rare seismic cases” determined by the GB50011 code. The steel consumption of the structural models designed by the proposed method is smaller than that of the suspended zipper frame models, which indicates that the comprehensive aseismic performance of the structures designed by the proposed method is better.Therefore, it is suggested that the zipper strut and braced column for the zipper frames should be designed according to the method proposed in this paper.
出处 《广西大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第5期1044-1051,共8页 Journal of Guangxi University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51208169) 河北省自然科学基金资助项目(E2014208115)
关键词 拉链柱式中心支撑钢框架 拉链柱 支撑跨柱 抗震设计方法 抗震性能 zipper frames zipper strut braced column seismic design method seismic perform-ance
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