
基于博弈论的蓝牙4.0协同通信策略 被引量:4

Cooperative communication strategy of bluetooth 4.0 based on game theory
摘要 为降低节点能量消耗,平衡网络整体效率,提出了一种基于合作博弈论的蓝牙协同组网模型。该模型每个节点根据文中定义的最快响应策略,依据前一轮其他节点所选策略,实时做出当前的策略选择以保证自身效益最大化。进而给出了一种基于能量优先级的通信调度算法,电量低的节点优先进行数据传输,通过节点主从角色转换功能实现跨微微网的通信,降低数据传输时延。实验结果表明,该协同组网策略与传统蓝牙组网算法相比,单个节点能量消耗降低约9%,加快了网络拓扑构建速度,数据传输时延平均降低约11个百分点。 In order to reduce the power consumption of node and balance the network's overall effi-ciency, a model of Bluetooth collaborative network based on cooperative game is proposed.Accord-ing to the best response strategy defined in the paper, each node makes the current choice in real time to ensure its own benefit maximization, based on the previous round of other nodes selected strategy.Moreover, a scheduling strategy based on priority of energy is proposed.The lower power device transmits data in priority.Inter-piconet communications is implemented through the function of role conversion, so that the data transmission delay is reduced.Experiments show that compared to the traditional Bluetooth networking algorithms, the presented cooperative networking strategy can make a single node to reduce power consumption by 9%, speed up the establishment of network to-pology, and reduce the latency of communication by 11%.
出处 《广西大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第5期1090-1095,共6页 Journal of Guangxi University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60970012 61003031 61202376) 上海信息技术领域重点科技攻关资助项目(09511501000 09220502800) 上海教委创新基金重点资助项目(13ZZ112) 上海市重点学科建设资助项目(XTKX2012) 上海市教委科研创新资助项目(13YZ075)
关键词 蓝牙 博弈论 协同通信 能量控制 时延 Bluetooth game theory cooperative communication energy control delay
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